MeL 2014

IX-th International Conference

Modern (e-) Learning

September 11 - 12,  2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)


Supported by

The International Journal "Information Theories and Applications"
The International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge"

General sponsor: FOI Bulgaria

Conference organizers

- ITHEA International Scientific Society
- Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev (Ukraine)
- Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA (Bulgaria)
- Astrakhan State University (Russia)
- Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, (Ukraine)
- V.M.Glushkov Institute of Cybernetics, NAS (Ukraine)
- Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, BAS (Bulgaria)
- Varna Free University �Chernorizets Hrabar� (Bulgaria)
- Association of Developers and Users of Intelligent Systems (Ukraine)
- Federation of the Scientific - Engineering Unions /FNTS/ (Bulgaria)

Aims and Scope

The conference is devoted to discussion of current research and applications regarding the basic directions of modern (e-) learning: Philosophy and Methodology of the Modern (e-) Learning and Modern (e-) Learning Technologies.

Topics of interest

Philosophy and Methodology of the Modern (e-) Learning

- Accreditation and Validation of Modern (e-) Learning Materials
- Learning Communities and Virtual Spaces for Modern (e-) Learning Communities
- Copyright Regulations and Intellectual Property
- Evolution in Teacher Roles through Technology
- Experience and Problems of Implementation of Distance Learning Systems
- Informatics of the Modern Learning
- Instructional Design Theories of Modern (e-) Learning
- Institutional Issues on Technology-based Learning
- Interaction of Classical and Modern (e-) Learning
- Knowledge Market
- Modern (e-) Learning Paradigms
- Organizational Problems of Distance Learning
- Pedagogical and Organisational Frameworks of Modern (e-) Learning
- Pedagogical Approaches - Classical and Modern Didactic Principles of Modern (e-) Learning
- Policies on Technology-based Learning
- Psychological and Ergonomic Aspects of Modern (e-) Learning
- Social Aspects of Modern (e-) Learning
- Standardisation of the Modern (e-) Learning Materials
- Standards and Quality Requirements for the Certification and Assessment of the Learners� Progress
- Teaching Aspects of Modern (e-) Learning

Modern e-Learning Technologies

- Information Retrieval and Visualization in e-Learning
- Multimedia Educational Systems
- Media for Learning in Multicultural Settings
- Mobile e-Learning Applications
- P2P e-Learning Applications
- Social Aspects in Collaborative e-Learning Systems
- Standardization in e-Learning Technologies (incl. Learning Objects, Learning Designs, Modelling Languages)
- Technology-based Blended, Distance and Open Learning
- Technology-Facilitated Learning in Complex Domains
- Technologies for advanced Teacher Training
- Technology and Human Resource Issues
- Using AI/Semantic Web Technologies for Personalized and Contextual Learning
- Web-based Educational Information Systems

Steering Committee

Alexey Voloshin (Ukraine)
Jean Schreurs (Belgium)
Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria)
Larissa Zaynutdinova (Rusia)
Liudmila Lyadova (Russia)
Oleg Zakusilo (Ukraine)

Program Committee

Adil Timofeev (Russia)
Alexander Kuzemin (Ukraine)
Anatoliy Gupal (Ukraine)
Anatoly Krissilov (Ukraine)
Avram Eskenazi (Bulgaria)
Darina Dicheva (USA)
Diana Bogdanova (Russia)
Dmitriy Buy (Ukraine)
George Totkov (Bulgaria)
Evgeny Eremin (Russia)
Igor Lyashenko (Ukraine)
Ilia Mitov (Bulgaria)
Irina Petrova (Russia)
Juan Castellanos (Spain)
Julita Vassileva (Canada)
Luis Fernando de Mingo (Spain)
Michail Povidaychik (Ukraine)
Natalia Bilous (Ukraine)
Natalia Frolova (Russia)
Natalia Pankratova (Ukraine)
Nikolay Malyar (Ukraine)
Phedor Garashenko (Ukraine)
Stefan Dodunekov (Bulgaria)
Tatiana Gavrilova (Russia)
Valeriy Grigoruk (Ukraine)
Vasiliy Grirorkiv (Ukraine)
Vitaliy Snituk (Ukraine)
Vladimir Bugrov (Ukraine)
Vladimir Donchenko (Ukraine)
Yury Zaychenko (Ukraine)


The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
Working language at the conference time is English and Russian.

Papers and Fees

To submit a paper use the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System:
To see the deadlines, fees and rules for preparing the papers please click here.