i.Tech 2018
XVI-th International Conference
Information Technologies and Software Engineering
July 01 - July 10, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)
The conference is supported by ITHEA Software Engineering Forum
Aims and Scope
The conference is aimed is to represent research results and development activities in fields of Information Technologies and Software Engineering.
Topics of interest
Information Technologies
- Information Systems
- Mobile and Multimedia Systems
- Distributed and Telecommunication Systems
- Cyber Security
Software Engineering
- Fundamentals of Software Engineering
. Software Engineering standarts discussion and review
. Theoretical aspescts of Software Engineering
. Domain Analysis and Engineering
. Software modeling standarts (UML, BPMN and others)
- Software Life Cycle Management
. Software development life cycles processes
. Tools, technoques, algorithms and methods for management software development life cycle
. AGILE and Model-Driven Development (MDD) approaches
. Software Product Lines
- Software Applications and Development
Steering Committee
Elena Chebanyk (Ukraine)
Juan Castellanos (Spain)
Krassimir Markov (Bulgaria)
Luis Fernando de Mingo (Spain)
Olexii Voloshyn (Ukraine)
Vitalii Velychko (Ukraine)
Program Committee
Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem (Egypt)
Alexander Kuzemin (Ukraine)
Alfredo Milani (Italy)
Avram Eskenazi (Bulgaria)
Ilia Mitov (Bulgaria)
Irene Artemieva (Russia)
Ivan Popchev (Bulgaria)
Kannan Rajkumar (India)
Koen Vanhoof (Belgium)
Krassimira Ivanova (Bulgaria)
Krassimir Manev (Bulgaria)
Laura Ciocoiu (Romania)
Levon Aslanyan (Armenia)
Martin Mintchev (Canada)
Nely Maneva (Bulgaria)
Oleksandr Stryzhak (Ukraine)
Olry Yadid-Pecht (Israel)
Stoyan Poryazov (Bulgaria)
Tea Munjishvili (Georgia)
Valeriya Gribova (Russia)
Vladimir Ryazanov (Russia)
Volodymyr Opanasenko (Ukraine)
The official languages of the Conference are English and Russian.
Papers and Fees
To submit a paper use the ITHEA ISS Submission Web System: http://ita.ithea.org.
To see the deadlines, fees and rules for preparing the papers please click here.