ITHEA® International Scientific Society
ITHEA® International Scientific Society (ITHEA® ISS) is aimed to support growing collaboration between scientists from all over the world.
Till now, the ITHEA® International Scientific Society has been joined by more than 4000 members from 53 countries from all over the world:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Belarus, Brazil,
Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Ireland, Israel,
Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kyrgyz Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia,
Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Senegal, Serbia,
Slovenia, South Korea, Sweden, Spain, Sultanate of Oman, Turkey, UK,
Ukraine, and USA.
ITHEA® Publishing House (ITHEA® PH) is the official publisher of the works of the ITHEA® ISS. The scope of the issues of the ITHEA® ISS covers the area of Informatics and Computer Science. ITHEA® PH welcomes scientific papers and books connected with any information theory or its application.
ITHEA® ISS has four International Journals, established as independent scientific printed and electronic media, published by ITHEA® Publishing House:
- International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”(IJ ITA), since 1993
- International Journal “Information Technologies and Knowledge” (IJ ITK), since 2007
- International Journal “Information Models and Analyses” (IJ IMA) , since 2012
- International Journal “Information Content and Processing” (IJ ICP) ,since 2014
Every year, ITHEA® ISS organizes many scientific events called “ITHEA® ISS Joint International Events of Informatics" (ITA). ITHEA® ISS has organized 135 International Conferences and workshops and has published 45 scientific books: monographyes, thematic collections and proceedings.
All publications of ITHEA® ISS are accessible freely via ITHEA® main site www.ithea.org as well as via ITHEA® Digital Library (IDR) http://idr.ithea.org .
Submission of articles can be done for all:
- International Conferences via ITHEA® Conference system ( http://ita.ithea.org ).
- International Journals via ITHEA® Journal system ( http://ij.thea.org ).
The great success of ITHEA® International Journals,
Books, and Conferences belongs to the whole of the ITHEA® International
Scientific Society.
Membership in ITHEA® ISS is free.
ITA 2022
ITA 2022 Calendar
June - July 2022, Varna, Bulgaria M T W T F S S 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
ITA 2022 Accomodation
HIT-Tourism Tur Operator
Varna, Bulgaria
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e-mail: office@hit-tourism.com
Skype: hit_mira