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Personal information






Markov, Krassimir Kostadinov






Date of birth








Main scientific interests



General Information Theory, Information Science, Computer Science, Cognition, Natural Language Processing,
Management Information Systems, Multi-dimensional Data Bases, Software Engineering, Education on Informatics


Work experience







2002 – until now

Name and address of employer



Institute of Information Theories and Applications FOI ITHEA® NGO, Sofia, Bulgaria

Occupation or position held



- director

• Dates



2018 – 2021

• Name of employer



University of Telecommunications and Posts, Sofia, Bulgaria

• Occupation or position held



- professor emeritus;
- taught master's and bachelor's disciplines (in Bulgarian):

- Basics of Information technologies;
- Engineering Mathematics 3 (Theory of Categories);
- Knowledge Discovery from Big Data Bases;
- Mathematical Methods in Economics;
- Methods for Knowledge Discovery;
- Object-oriented programming;
- Operating Systems;
- Parallel calculations;
- Service Oriented Architectures;
- Software Quality Assurance;
- User Interface Design.

• Dates



2015 – 2018

• Name of employer



University of Telecommunications and Posts, Sofia, Bulgaria

• Occupation or position held



- visiting professor;




1975 – 2017

Name and address of employer



Institute of Mathematics and Informatics of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI BAS), Bulgaria, Sofia, 1113, Acad. G. Bonchev str, Block 8.

Occupation or position held



- mathematician - 1975
- assistant professor III degree – 1979, II degree – 1982, I degree – 1985
- associate professor – 2009

• Dates



2009 – 2014

• Name of employer



University of Hasselt, Belgium

• Occupation or position held



- visiting professor - PhD supervisor – Informatics




1992 – 1995

Name of employer



New Bulgarian University

Occupation or position held



- visiting professor – Business Informatics





Education and training




• Dates




• Name of organisation



Institute of Mathematics and Informatics at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IMI BAS)

• Title of qualification awarded



PhD in Informatics (Computer Science)

• Dates




 • Name of organisation



Sofia University, Faculty of Mathematics

• Title of qualification awarded



Magister of mathematics with specialization on Software engineering








- scientific papers: 139
- chapters in monographs: 4+1
- monographs: 3
- textbook brochures: 7
- scientific brochures: 2





Editorial boards



- editor or co-editor of scientific books - 47
- member of international program committees – 84
- co-chair of international program committees - 206





Editor in chief of:



- International Journal "Information Theories and Applications”  ISSN 1310-0513
- International Journal "Information Technologies and Knowledge”
 ISSN 1313-0355
- International Journal “Information Models and Analyses”  ISSN 1314-6416
- International Journal “Information Content and Processing” ISSN 2367-5128





Membership in Scientific Organizations



President of:

- ITHEA® International Scientific Society (2002 – until now)

- IS4IS - International Society for Study of Information (2023 – 2025)








Bulgarian - native language









1. List of all publications
2. Editor or co-editor of books
3. International conference program committees memberships

 Annex 1.    

List of all publications


Scientific Papers

1. Ив. Здр. Габровски, Кр. Марков. О конструировании "независимых по данным" прикладных программ, используя пакет ВОМР. Конференция по системам информационного обслуживания коллективов профессионально-связанных потребителей, ВАРНА, 1977; стр. 240-245.

2. П.Барнев, Кр.Марков. Проблемы управления в системах информационного обслуживания коллективов. Tanulmanyok - MTA, Szamitastechn. es autom. kut. intez. Tanulm., num.131, BUDAPEST, 1982, pp.15-23. * Цитирана под № 8В1045 в РЖ "МАТЕМАТИКА", Х 8В, 1982, стр. 144.

3. P.Barnev, A.Radensky, P.Azalov, K.Markov, Z.Vasilev. A Lokal Information Station - Version One. Tanulmanyok - MTA, Szamitastechn. es autom. kut. intez. tanulm., num.133, BUDAPEST, 1982, pp. 7-26.

4. Кр.Марков. Применение макрообработки в системе ЛИСТ-1. Математика и математическо образование, БАН, СОФИЯ, 1983, стр.191-194. * Цитирана под № 2Г312 в РЖ "МАТЕМАТИКА", Х 2Г, 1984, стр. 39.

5. K.Markov. A Multi-domain Access Method. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Based Scientific Research. PLOVDIV, 1984, pp. 558-563.

6. K.Markov. A Microsystem for information Contact. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, BAS, SOFIA, 1985, pp. 471-475.

7. Кр.Марков. Система автоматизированного обслуживания информационного взаимодействия. Tanulmanyok - MTA, Szamitastechn. es autom. kut. intez. tanulm., num.193, BUDAPEST, 1986, pp.122-135. * Цитирана под № 6Г286 в РЖ "МАТЕМАТИКА", Х 6Г, 1987, стр.31. * Цитирана под № 8И527 в РЖ "ИНФОРМАТИКА", Х 8И, 1987, стр. 66.

8. П.Бърнев, Ст.Денчев, В.Диков, Д.Димов, Д.Дичева, Д.Добрев, Ст.Керпеджиев, Б.Кокинов, Г.Кулеков, Кр.Марков, Хр.Христов, Д.Шишков, Вл.Шкуртов. Основни понятия в информатиката. Математика и математическо образование", БАН, СОФИЯ, 1987, стр. 121-133.

9. Кр.Марков. Общуването - същност и автоматизирано обслужване. Сборник "Програмиране '87". БАН, Варна, Дружба, 1987, стр. 141.

10. K.Markov, V.Bakoev, I.Mitov. Information Interaction with Multi-dimensional Text Information Objects. Mathematics and Education in Mathematics, BAS, SOFIA, 1988, pp. 465-469.

11. K.Markov. A Tool for Modelling of Information Interaction. Proceedings of Workshop of WG-23 "Specialized Languages as Basis for Programming Technology", Tallinn, 1988, pp. 67-78.

12. Кр.Марков. От миналото към бъдещето на определението на понятието "информация". Сборник "Програмиране '88". БАН, Варна, Дружба, 1988, стр.150. * Цитирана под № ****** в РЖ "ИНФОРМАТИКА", Х 8И, 1987 г., стр. 66.

13. Кр.Марков, И.Митов. Един подход за синтез на сложни програмни системи. Математика и математическо образование, БАН, СОФИЯ, 1989, стр. 399-403.

14. Кр.Марков. Моделирование информационного взаимодействия в системах поддержки принятия групповых решений. Proceedings of KNVVT WG-26. MTA, SZTAKI, BUDAPEST, 1989, pp. 175-182.

15. K.Markov, T.Todorov, V.Nikolov. Multidomain Access Method for the IBM PC. Research in Informatics, Vol.3, Academie-Verlag Berlin, 1990, pp. 218-230.

16. К.Марков, И.Митов. Многомерный пользовательский интерфейс для систем поддержки принятия решений. Сборник "Програмиране '90". БАН, Варна, Дружба, 1990, стр. 159-160.

17. П.Бърнев, К.Иванова, К.Марков. Експериментално изследване на деловия телефонен разговор. Сборник "Информационни технологии в управлението". ИНФОРМА, София, 1990.

18. М.Бургин, К.Марков. Формальное определение понятия материализации. Математика и математическо образование, БАН, СОФИЯ, 1991, стр. 175-179.

19. K.Markov. Human computer Interaction Based on Knowledge about Human Communication. Моделирование творческих процессов на основе баз знаний, FOI COMMERCE, София, 1992; рр. 102-115.

20. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Basic Concepts of a General Information Theory. IJ ITA {International Journal "Information Theories & Applications"}; 1993; v.1, n.10; pp. 3-10.

21. К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов. Пирамидальная модель фирменных информационных деятельностей. IJ ITA, 1993; v.1, n.2; pp. 3-7.

22. К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов. Информационная модель развития и трансформации капитала фирмы. IJ ITA, 1993; v.1, n.9; pp. 3-10.

23. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. General Structure of Information. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.1; pp. 3-7.

24. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Aggregation in Language System CONTACT. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.2; pp. 16-22.

25. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Space Hierarchy Information Structures in Complex FOI. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.3; pp. 21-27.

26. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, V.Vassilev. General Structure of Subject Information Space. Information Technollogies and Programming; Sofia, 1994; pp. 134-138.

27. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, J.Ikonomov. The Time Dimension of the Text Information Objects. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.5; pp. 16-21.

28. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. The Extra Sense Phenomena in the Light of a General Information Theory. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.6; pp. 8-12.

29. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, J.Ikonomov. Informaltion Model of the Ledjer Account. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.7; pp. 3-12.

30. К.Марков, К.Иванова, И.Митов, Й.Икономов, В.Василев. Информационно моделиране на фирмени дейности. Списание "Известия на Икономическия Университет - Варна"; бр.3-4, 1994; стр. 119-127.

31. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Cognitive Graphics Elements. IJ ITA, 1994; v.2, n.9; pp. 3-6.

32. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Cell Oriented Programming. IJ ITA, 1995; v.3, n.1; pp. 3-8.

33. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Time Depended Hypertext Navigation. IJ ITA, 1995, v.3, n.8; pp. 3-7.

34. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Time depended Queries. IJ ITA, 1995; v.3, n.9; pp. 3-8.

35. P.Barnev, K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. A Space Hierarchy Information Model for Bulgarian Medical Plants' Multimedia Information System. KDS; 1995; pp. 283 287.

36. A.Ali, P.Barnev, K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Information System for Short Advertisments. KDS, 1995; pp. 399 404.

37. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Mental Information Measure. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.1; pp. 11-16.

38. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Activity, Subjects and Comprehensive Information Structures in the General Information Theory. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.2; pp. 11-17.

39. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Types of Information Expectation. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.3, pp .21-24.

40. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. An Approach for Physical Organization of Time Depended Information Bases. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.4, pp. 11-16.

41. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Language System "Contact" as a Tool for Cell Oriented Programrning. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.5, pp. 16-19.

42. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Synchronization of the Input Flows during the Creating the Time Depended Text Information Objects. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.6, pp. 10-15.

43. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Describing and Computing the Time Intervals in Time Depended Text Information Objects. IJ ITA, 1996; v.4, n.7, pp. 18-21.

44. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Time Depended Cell Information Spaces. IJ ITA, Vol 5, No.1, 1998.

45. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. An Approach to the Information Service of the Education. Regional Conference “Computerization of the Learning Process in the field of the Electrical Engineering”. Rusia, Astrakhan, 1998.

46. K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov. Multiagent Information Service Based on Scripts. Proceedings of the VIII International Conference KDS, Ukraine, Krim, 1999.

47. Кр. Марков. Относно вредите от електронната търговия. IECC’99: International e-Commerce Conference. ADIS & VIA EXPO, Bulgaria, Sofia, 1999.

48. Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов. Требования к автоматизации обучения на пороге информационного общества. Новые информационные технологии в электротехническом образовании (НИТЭ-2000): Сборник научных трудов пятой международной научно-методической конференции. – Россия, Астрахань: Изд-во ЦНТЭП, 2000.

49. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Information Witness. ITA-2000: International Conference on Information Theories and Applications, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

50. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Information Subject. ITA-2000, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

51. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Information Society. ITA-2000, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

52. K. Markov, S. Milanova, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Methodology of the Implementation of Complex Information Service Systems in the Large Enterprises. ITA-2000, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

53. K. Markov, S. Milanova, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, M. Rangelov. Information Service of the Large Distributed Enterprise Auto Park. ITA-2000, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

54. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov, N. Ivanova, K. Bojkachev, A. Danilov. Co-operative Distance and Long-Live Learning. ITA-2000, Bulgaria, Varna, 2000.

55. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. HCI based on CellPro. ITC&P 2000, p.110.

56. N. Ivanova, K. Ivanova, K. Markov, A. Danilov, K. Boikatchev. The Open Education Environment on the Threshold of the Global Information Society. IJ ITA, 2001, V.8, No.1 pp.3-12. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp.272-280, in russian, Presented at Int. Conf. ICT&P 2001, Sofia, pp. 193-203).

57. K. Markov, P. Mateev, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, S. Poryazov. The Information Model. IJ ITA, 2001, V.8, No.2 pp.59-69 (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp. 465-472).

58. K. Boikatchev, N. Ivanova, A. Danilov, K. Markov, K. Ivanova. Authoring tools for courseware designing. IJ ITA, 2001, V.8, No.3 pp.115-121. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001 Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp. 32-37).

59. K. Boikatchev, N. Ivanova, A. Danilov, K. Markov, K. Ivanova. Teacher's and Tutor's Role in Long Life Distance Learning. IJ ITA, 2001, V.8, No.4 pp.171-175. (Presented at Int. Conf. KDS 2001. Sankt Petersburg, 2001, pp. 38-41).

60. Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов. Информатика и научен мироглед, Пленарен доклад, Сборник на Национална научна конференция "Информатиката в научното познание", ВСУ, Варна, 2002, стр. 17-31.

61. Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов, Н. Иванова, А. Данилов, К. Бойкачов. НАУКАТА: Хармония и противостояние на олимпизъм и професионализъм. Пленарен доклад, Втора национална конференция “Науката в научното познание”. ВСУ, Варна, 2004.

62. K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, N. Ivanova, A. Danilov, K. Boikatchev. Basic Structure of the Knowledge Market. IJ ITA, 2002, V.9, No.4, pp. 123-134 (Представена на Int. Conf. ICT&P, 2002, Приморско).

63. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Infos, Proceedings of Int. Conf. “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” (KDS-2003), Varna, 2003, pp. 465-468.

64. Кр.Иванова, Н.Иванова, А.Данилов, И.Митов, Кр.Марков. Обучение взрослых на рынке профессиональных знаний. Сборник доклади на Национална научна конференция “Информационни изследвания, приложения и обучение” (i.TECH-2003), Варна, България, 2003, стр.35-41.

65. Кр. Марков, А.Данилов, Кр.Иванова, Н.Иванова, И.Митов. Массовое профессиональное обучение в условиях рынка знаний. Пленарен доклад. Сборник доклади на: VI-та Международна научно-методическа конференция «Новые информационные технологии в электротехническом образовании», НИТЭ-2003, Астрахан, Русия, 6-11 октомври 2003, стр. 9-18.

66. K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, E. Velikova-Bandova. The Information. IJ "Information Theories and Applications", FOI ITHEA, Sofia, 2003, Vol.10, No.1, pp. 5-9.

67. K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, E. Velikova-Bandova. Formal Definition of the Concept “INFOS”. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE – 2004, pp. 71-74. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 16-19.

68. Kr. Markov. Multi-Domain Information Model. Proceedings of the ITC&P-2004 - International Conference "Information Technologies and Communications & Programming", Varna. FOI-COMMERCE, 2004, pp. 79-88. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 303-308.

69. Кр. Марков. Координатно базирана физическа организация за компютърно представяне на информационни пространства. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE – 2004, стр. 163-172.

70. Кр. Иванова, И. Митов, Кр. Марков. Организация на диалога с потребителя в КОМПЛЕКС ФОИ. Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE – 2004, стр. 150-155.

71. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. The Staple Commodities of the Knowledge Market. Proceedings of the XI-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2005. Varna, Bulgaria. pp. 631 638. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol.13/2006, No.:1, pp. 5-19.

72. Kr. Ivanova, N. Ivanova, A. Danilov, I. Mitov, Kr. Markov. Basic Interactions between Members of the Knowledge Market. Proceedings of the XI-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2005. Varna, Bulgaria. pp. 638 648. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol.13/2006, No.:1, pp. 19-30.

73. Кр. Марков, Н. Иванова, А. Данилов, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов. Электронный рынок знаний: предпосылки возникновения и развития. Сб. „Моделирование устойчивого регионального развития”, Россия, Нальчик, 2005, стр. 35-46.

74. Kr. Markov. Building Data Warehouses Using Numbered Multidimensional Information Spaces. Int. Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, 2005, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 193-199.

75. Кр.Марков, В.Маркова. Личностное развитие и электронный Рынок знаний. Пленарен доклад. Сб. VII Международная научно-практическая конференция НИТЭ-2006, АГТУ, Астрахань, 2006, стр. 17-23.

76. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Basic Structure of the General Information Theory. Proceedings of the XII-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2006. Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE, 2006, pp. 19 32. IJ ITA, Vol.14, No.: 1, pp. 5-19.

77. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, N. Ivanova, I. Mitov. e-Publishing, Education and Knowledge Market.. Proceedings of the I-th Int. Conf. "Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge" ISK-2006. VFU, Varna, Bulgaria. 2006, pp. 15-26.

78. P. Markov, V. Markova, Kr. Markov. The Integrity of Self-development and the Education – a Premise to Success. Proceedings of the International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning” – Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, FOI-COMMERCE, 2006, pp. 43-48.

79. Кр.Марков, В.Маркова. Обучение и личностно развитие в условията на преход към глобално информационно общество. Сб. Национална конференция "Образованието в информационното общество", АРИО, Пловдив, 2006, стр. 120-125.

80. K. Markov, S. Poryazov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, V. Markova. Culture Aspects of Inforaction. Proceedings of the XIII-th Int. Conf. "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS-2007. Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, ITHEA, 2007, pp. 625-633. International Journal INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES & KNOWLEDGE, Volume 2, 2008, Number 4, pp. 335-342.

81. K. Markov, K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, S. Karastanev. Advance of the Access Methods. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference “Information Research and Applications” i.TECH 2007, Varna, Bulgaria. Sofia, ITHEA, 2007. pp. 309-325, International Journal INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES & KNOWLEDGE, Volume 2, 2008, Number 2, pp. 123‑135.

82. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Introduction to NISL. New Trends of Mathematic and Informatics, IMI – BAS, Sofia, 2007, pp. 56-57.

83. Krassimir Markov. Data Independence in the Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces. International Journal INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES & KNOWLEDGE, Volume 2, 2008, Number 1, pp. 87‑94.

84. Markov K., K. Ivanova, I. Mitov, V. Mitova. Business Informatics. Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making – Book Num.7 from Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing", Sofia-Uzhgorod, 2008, pp.213 - 218.

85. Иванова К., К. Марков, И. Митов. Регионалное развитие и электронный рынок знаний. Международная научно-практическая конференция "Эволюция системы научных коммуникаций ассоциации университетов прикаспийских государств", Астрахань, Россия, 2008, стр.48 - 64.

86. Гайворонска Г.С., Крисилов А.Д., Марков Кр., Порязов С. Методы классификации и принятия решений в задачах управления телекоммуникационными сетями. Восьмая конференция „Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии”, Сборник тезисов – приложение к журналу „Холодильная техника и технологии”, Одесса, 2008. ISSN 0453-8037. стр. 16.

87. O. Palagin, V. Romanov, Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, P. Stanchev, I. Galelyuka, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Developing of Distributed Virtual Laboratories for Smart Sensor System Design Based on Multi-dimensional Access Method. In Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 8. Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining. Sofia, 2009, pp. 155 - 161.

88. V. Romanov, I. Galelyuka, V. Fedak, V. Grusha, D. Artemenko, O. Galelyuka, V. Velychko, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Portable Device "Floratest" as Tool for Estimating of Megalopolis Ecology State. In Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 11. Intelligent Engineering. Sofia, 2009, pp. 9 - 15.

89. I. Mitov, Kr. Ivanova, Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, K. Vanhoof, P. Stanchev. "PaGaNe" – A Classification Machine Learning System Based on the Multidimensional Numbered Information Spaces. In Int.Conf. "Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering" (ISKE2009), 27 28.11.2009, Hasselt, Belgium, Printed in World Scientific Proceedings Series on Computer Engineering and Information Science, No:2, pp. 279 - 286.

90. I. Mitov, Kr. Ivanova, Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, P. Stanchev, K. Vanhoof. Comparison of Discretization Methods for Preprocessing Data for Pyramidal Growing Network Classification Method. Presented at Int.Conf. i.Tech-2009, Madrid, Spain, 02 05.09.2009. Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 14. New Trends in Intelligent Technologies, Sofia, 2009, pp. 31 - 39.

91. D. Blagoev, G. Totkov, M. Staneva, Kr. Ivanova, Kr. Markov, P. Stanchev. Indirect Spatial Data Extraction from Web Documents. Presented at Int.Conf. i.Tech-2009, Madrid, Spain, 02 05.09.2009. Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 14. New Trends in Intelligent Technologies, Sofia, 2009, pp. 89 - 100.

92. Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov, Kr. Markov, P. Stanchev, K. Vanhoof, L. Aslanyan, H. Sahakyan. Metric Categorization Relations Based on Support System Analysis. In Proceedings of the VIIth Int. Conf. "Computer Science and Information Technologies", 28.09 - 02.10.2009, Yerevan, Armenia, pp. 85‑88.

93. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. Theory of Infos. Presented at Int.Conf. INFOS-2009, Krynica, Poland, 19 25.09.2009. Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 13. Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems, Sofia, 2009, pp. 9 - 16.

94. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov. A Disadvantage of the Payable (e-) Education. In Int. Conf. "Modern IT&(e-) L earning", 06-08.10.2009, Astrakhan, Russia, pp. 335 - 341.

95. А. Палагин, В. Романов, Кр. Марков, В. Величко, И. Галелюка, Кр. Иванова, П. Станчев, И. Митов, М. Станева. Базовая онтология распределенной виртуальной лаборатории проектирования сенсорных систем. Presented at Int.Conf. KDS-2009, Kyiv, Ukraine, 19 24.10.2009. Published in Int. Book Series "Information Science & Computing" – Book No: 15. Knowledge – Dialogue – Solution, Sofia, 2009, pp.19 - 23.

96. О.В.Палагін, С.Л. Кривий, Д.C. Бібіков, В.Ю. Величко К. Марков, К. Іванова, І. Мітов. Формально-логічний підхід до побудови систем аналізу знань в різних предметних областях Проблеми програмування. ІПС НАН України. – 2010. №2-3. с.127-135

97. I. Mitov, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova. The Intelligence. Plenary paper. Third International Scientific Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”. University Publishing House, VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar”, 2010. ISSN: 1313-4345. pp. 7-13.

98. Vladimir Lovitskii, Ina Markova, Krassimir Markov, Ilia Mitov. Numeric-Lingual Distinguishing Features of Scientific Documents. In: Kr. Markov, Vl. Ryazanov, V. Velychko, L. Aslanyan (ed.). New Trends in Classification and Data Mining. ITHEA,Sofia,Bulgaria,2010,ISBN:978-954-16-0042-9, pp.94-101.

99. Oleksandr Palagin, Peter Stanchev, Volodymyr Romanov, Krassimir Markov, Igor Galelyuka, Vitalii Velychko, Oleksandra Kovyriova, Oksana Galelyuka, Iliya Mitov, Krassimira Ivanova Calculating of Reliability Parameters of Microelectronic Components and Devices by Means of Virtual Laboratory. In: Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, L.F. de Mingo Lopez, J. Casellanos (ed.). New Trends in Information Technologies. ITHEA, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0044-9, pp. 134-143.

100. Kristian Milenov, Krassimir Markov, Venko Bozhilov, Radko Radkov, Pavel Milenov. A Comprehensive Approach and User-oriented Policy for Managing Risk and Safety. In: Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, O. Voloshin (ed.). Information Models of Knowledge. ITHEA, Kiev, Ukraine – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0048-1, pp. 113-127.

101. Александр Палагин, Владимир Романов, Игорь Галелюка, Крассимир Марков, Виталий Величко, Александра Ковырёва, Петер Станчев, Крассимира Иванова, Илия Митов. Практическое использование виртуальной лаборатории для расчета надежности приборов и резервированных систем. In: Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, O. Voloshin (ed.). Information Models of Knowledge. ITHEA, Kiev, Ukraine – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0048-1, pp. 252-261.

102. Iliya Mitov, Anatolij Krissilov, Oleksandr Palagin, Peter Stanchev, Vitalii Velychko, Volodymyr Romanov, Igor Galelyuka, Krassimira Ivanova, Krassimir Markov. The Intelligent Principle of Virtual Laboratories for Computer Aided Design of Smart Sensor Systems. In: G. Setlak, Kr. Markov (ed.). Methods and Instruments of Artificial Intelligence. ITHEA, Rzeszow, Poland – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0049-8, pp. 119-124.

103. Кр. Иванова, В. Величко, Кр. Марков. Многовариантен анализ на клъстеризации на многомерни данни с помощта на пирамидални информационни структури. Юбилейна научна конференция „Статистика, информационни технологии и комуникации”, София, УНСС 2011, ISBN: 987-954-644-308-3, pp. 264 - 277.

104. Kr. Ivanova, V. Velychko, Kr. Markov, I. Mitov. About Multi-variant Clustering and Analysis Hight-dimensional Data. In: G. Setlak, Kr. Markov (ed.). Business and Engineering Applications of Intelligent and Information Systems. ITHEA, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria. 2011, ISBN: 978-954-16-0053-5. pp. 91-103.

105. Крассимира Иванова, Виталий Величко, Крассимир Марков. К вопросу о естествено-языковой адрессации. In: V. Velychko et al (ed.). Problems of Computer in Intellectualization. ITHEA® 2012, Kiev, Ukraine - Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN:978-954-16-0061-0(printed), ISBN:978-954-16-0062-7(online). pp.77-83.

106. Krassimira Ivanova, Vitalii Velychko, Krassimir Markov. Storing RDF Graphs using NL-addressing. In: G. Setlak, M. Alexandrov, K. Markov (ed.). Artificial Intelligence Methods and Techniques for Business and Engineering Applications. ITHEA® 2012, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-16-0057-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0058-0 (online). pp.84-98.

107. Кр. Марков, Ст. Порязов, Й. Табов. Информационно моделиране – същност и приложения в изследванията, образованието и бизнеса. Математика и математическо образование, СМБ, 2012. стр. 120-121.

108. Ivanova, K., Stanchev, P., Velikova, E., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B., Kannan, R., Mitov, I., Markov, K. Features for Art Painting Classification Based on Vector Quantization of MPEG-7 Descriptors. Proc. of the Second Int. Conf. on Data Engineering and Management ICDEM 2010, Tiruchirapalli, India, LNCS 6411, Springer, 2012, pp. 146-153.

109. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Vitalii Velychko, Krassimir Markov. Multi-variant pyramidal clustering and analysis high-dimensional data. International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 19, Number 1, 2012, pp. 14-38, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed) ISSN 1313-0463 (online) ISSN 1313-0498 (CD/DVD).

110. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, V. Velychko, “Usefulness of Scientific Contributions”, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol.20, Number 1, 2013, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed), ISSN 1313-0463 (online), pp. 4-38.

111. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, “Introduction to the Natural Language Addressing”, International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.7, Number 2, 2013, ISSN 1313-0455 (printed), 1313-048X (online), pp. 139–146.

112. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, “Storing Dictionaries and Thesauruses Using NL-Addressing”, International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Vol.2, Number 3, 2013, ISSN 1314-6416 (printed), 1314-6432(online), pp. 239- 251.

113. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, “Introduction to Storing Graphs by NL-Addressing”, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol.20, Number 3, 2013, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed), 1313-0463 (online), pp. 263 – 284.

114. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, V. Velychko. “Evaluation of Scientific Contributions”, International Scientific Conference “Modern Informatics: Problems, Achievements, and Prospects of Developmen”, devoted to the 90th anniversary of academician V. M. Glushkov. Kiev, Ukraine, 2013, ISBN 978-966-02-6928-6, pp. 167 - 169.

115. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, “The Natural Language Addressing Approach”, International Scientific Conference “Modern Informatics: Problems, Achievements, and Prospects of Development”, devoted to the 90th anniversary of academician V. M. Glushkov. Kiev, Ukraine, 2013, ISBN 978-966-02-6928-6, pp. 214 - 215.

116. Krassimira B. Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, “Storing Ontologies by NL-Addressing”, IVth All–Russian Conference “Knowledge-Ontology-Theory” (KONT-13), Novosibirsk, Russia, 2013, ISSN 0568 661X, pp. 175 – 184.

117. V. Velychko, Levon Aslanyan, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, “About Automatic Discovering Substantial Citations”, 9th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT), Yerevan, Armenia, 2013, proceedings, ISBN 978-5-8080-0797-0, pp.220 - 224.

118. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, K. Vanhoof, B. Depaire, V. Velychko, J. Castellanos, L. Aslanyan, St. Karastanev. Storing Big Data Using Natural Language Addressing. In: N. Lyutov (ed.), Int. Sc. Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, VFU, Varna, Bulgaria. 2014. ISSN: 1313-4345. pp. 147-164.

119. Kr. Markov. Energy versus Information. In. Proc. of Int.Conf. “Knowledge-Dialog-Solution”, Kiev, Ukraine. ITHEA 2014. ISSN 1313-0087. pp. 123 – 126

120. Krassimir Markov, Krassimira Ivanova, “General Structure of Collect/Report Paradigm for Storing and Accessing Big Data”, International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 22, Number 3, 2015, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed), ISSN 1313-0463 (online), pp. 266 -276.

121. Chiancone, A.; Franzoni, V.; Li, Y.; Markov, K.; Milani, A. Leveraging Zero Tail in Neighbourhood for Link Prediction. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Singapore, 6–9 December 2015; pp. 135–139. Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4673-9618-9 , USB ISBN: 978-1-4673-9617-2. INSPEC Accession Number: 15758327, DOI: 10.1109/WI-IAT.2015.129

122. Chebanyuk E., Markov K. Software Model Cognitive Value. Cognitive Modeling: Collection of Papers of the Third International Forum on Cognitive Modeling, Science and Studies Foundation, Russia, 2015, ISBN:978-5-9907389-5-9, 321 – 333

123. В. Величко, В. Приходнюк, А. Стрижак, Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, Ст. Карастанев. Построение таксономии документов для формирования иерархических слоев в геоинформационных системах. International Journal “Information Content and Processing”, Vol.2, Number 2, 2015, ISSN 2367-5128 (printed), ISSN 2367-5152 (online), pp. 181-199.

124. Kr. Ivanova, St. Karastanev, V. Velychko, Kr. Markov Up-to-date storage and data models. International Journal “Information Content and Processing”, Vol.2, Number 4, 2015, ISSN 2367-5128 (printed), ISSN 2367-5152 (online), pp. 369 – 386.

125. E. Chebanyuk, Kr. Markov An approach to class diagrams refinement according to SOLID Design Principles. In: Proceedings of 4th International conference on Model-Driven Engineering and software Development, MODELSWARD 2016, Rome, Italy. SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda.; Portugal, 2016. ISBN: 978-989-758-168-7, Depósito Legal: 403573/16. pp. 435-441.

126. Chebanyuk E., Markov K. Model of problem domain “model-driven architecture formal methods and approaches”. International Journal "Information Content and Processing", Volume 3, Number 3, 2016. ISSN 2367-5128 (printed), ISSN 2367-5152 (online). pp. 203-222.

127. E.V. Chebanyuk, K.K. Markov. About mathematical foundations for software model to model transformation approaches. In: Proceedings of the “The Seventh World Congress “Aviation in the XXI-st Century”, Safety in Aviation and Space Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine. September 19-21, 2016, pp. 1.13.30 - 1.13.33.

128. Kr. Ivanova, E. Saranova, Kr. Markov, St. Karastanev. A method for evaluation of informational services - Step 1: computing the hardware proportionality constants. International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.10, Number 2, 2016, ISSN 1313-0455 (printed), 1313-048X (online), pp. 103–110.

129. Stefan Karastanev, Krassimira Ivanova, Krassimir Markov, “Natural Language Graph Information Bases”, 6th International Conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” as part of the 20th Anniversary International Youth Forum “Electronics and Youth in the 21st Century”, Kharkov, Ukraine, 2016, pp. 6 - 7

130. I. Mitov, St. Karastanev, Kr. Markov. A short survey on car algorithms. International Journal "Information Technologies & Knowledge" Vol.10, Number 2, 2016, ISSN 1313-0455 (printed), 1313-048X (online), pp. 176–199.

131. Kr. Ivanova, I. Ivanov, M. Dimitrova, Kr. Markov, St. Karastanev. A method for evaluation of informational services - Step 2: Computing the informational services’ performance proportionality constants. International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Vol.5, Number 3, 2016, ISSN 1314-6416 (printed), 1314-6432(online), pp. 203- 215.

132. Krassimir Markov, Krassimira Ivanova, Stefan Karastanev „NISL: The Numbered Information Spaces Language”, III International Scientific Conference on "Information technologies and interactions" (IT & I), 2016, Kyiv, Ukraine, pp. 145-146.

133. Kr. Ivanova, Kr. Markov, St. Karastanev. A method for evaluation of informational services - Step 3: Rank-based multiple comparison. International Journal "Information Content and Processing", Volume 3, Number 4, 2016. ISSN 2367-5128 (printed), ISSN 2367-5152 (online). pp. 368-396.

134. Zlatinka Kovacheva, Ina Naydenova, Kalinka Kaloyanova,·Krassimir Markov. Big data mining: In-database Oracle data mining over Hadoop. · AIP Conference Proceedings 1863(1):040003, July 2017. DOI 10.1063/1.4992195. Conference: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICNAAM 2016).

135. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, St. Karastanev. Comparison software systems based on Information quality measuring. International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 24, Number 2, 2017, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed), ISSN 1313-0463 (online), pp. 103 -114.

136. O.V. Chebanyuk, K.K. Markov. designing of Abstract Syntax for Software model transformation language. Int. Conf. “Modern Informatics: Problems, Achievements, and Perspectives. Glushkov Inst. of Cybernetics, NANU, Kyiv, Ukraine. 2017. pp. 163-164.

137. Krassimir Markov, Christophe Menant, Stanley N Salthe, Yixin Zhong, Karl Javorszky, Alex Hankey, Loet Leydesdorff, Guy A Hoelzer, Jose Javier Blanco Rivero, Robert K. Logan, Sungchul Ji, Mark Johnson, David Kirkland, Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic. Data versus Information. International Journal “Information Theories and Applications”, Vol. 24, Number 4, 2017, ISSN 1310-0513 (printed), ISSN 1313-0463 (online), pp. 303 -321.

138. Olena Chebanyuk, Krassimira Ivanova, Vitalii Velychko, Krassimir Markov, “About Two Stereotypes of UML Profile for Multidimensional Numbered Data Bases”, International Conference on Software Engineering, June 03 – 06, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine, proceedings 2019, pp. 30 – 34.

139. O.V. Chebanyuk, O.V. Palahin, K.K. Markov. Domain Engineering Approach of Software Requirements Analysis. Problems in programming 2020; 2-3: 164-172. DOI:

Chapters in Monographs

1. Красимир Марков, Славея Даобрева, Ина Маркова, Росица Донева, Георги Тотков, Мария Шнитер. Цифрови хранилища. В: Георги Тотков (ред.), Стандарти и спецификации на метаданни за е-документи. Университетско издателство „Паисий Хилендарски”, Пловдив, 2010. стр. 157-190. ISBN: 978-954-423-650-2

2. Красимир Марков, Славея Даобрева, Ина Маркова, Георги Тотков. Стандарти за пространствена информация. В: Георги Тотков (ред.), Стандарти и спецификации на метаданни за е-документи. Университетско издателство „Паисий Хилендарски”, Пловдив. 2010. стр. 191-234. ISBN: 978-954-423-650-2

3. Benoit Depaire, Krassimira Ivanova, Krassimir Markov, Iliya Mitov, Koen Vanhoof, Vitalii Velychko. Multi-dimensional Information Spaces as Memory Structures for Intelligent Data Processing in GMES. pp 347-370 In: Kr. Markov et al. Intelligent Data Processing in Global Monitoring for Environment and Security. ITHEA, 2011, Kiev, Ukraine - Sofia, Bulgaria. ISBN: 978-954-16-0045-0 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0046-7 (CD/DVD), ISBN: 978-954-16-0047-4 (online). ITHEA® IBS ISC No.: 21. 410 p.

4. Markov, Krassimir, Koen Vanhoof, Iliya Mitov, Benoit Depaire, Krassimira Ivanova, Vitalii Velychko and Victor Gladun. "Intelligent Data Processing Based on Multi-Dimensional Numbered Memory Structures", Diagnostic Test Approaches to Machine Learning and Commonsense Reasoning Systems, IGI Global, 2013. pp. 156-184, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-1900-5.ch007, ISBN: 978 1-4666-1900-5 (hard cover); EISBN: 978-1-4666-1901-2 (e-book)
Reprinted in:/span>
Markov, Krassimir, Koen Vanhoof, Iliya Mitov, Benoit Depaire, Krassimira Ivanova, Vitalii Velychko and Victor Gladun. "Intelligent Data Processing Based on Multi-Dimensional Numbered Memory Structures." Data Mining: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, IGI Global, 2013, pp. 445-473, doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2455-9.ch022; ISBN13: 978-1-4666-2455-9; EISBN13: 978-1-4666-2456-6



1. Kr.Markov, Kr.Ivanova, I.Mitov. General Information Theory. Basic Formulations. FOI-COMMERCE, Sofia, 2003. ISBN 954-16-0024-1.

2. Красимир Марков, Илия Митов, Красимира Иванова, Валерия Митова, Виталий Величко, Виктор Гладун, Кристиан Миленов, Васил Василев, Иван Филипов, Любомир Кожарев. Атрибутивен анализ при управление на риска от бедствия и аварии. ISBN 978-954-9465-08-2 АУРЕ, София, 2009. 128 стр.

3. Krassimir Markov, Krassimira Ivanova, Koen Vanhoof, Vitalii Velychko, Juan Castellanos, „Natural Language Addressing”, ITHEA® Hasselt, Kyiv, Madrid, Sofia, IBS ISC No.: 33, 2015, ISBN: 978-954-16-0070-2 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0071-9 (online), 315 p.

Textbook Brochures (in Bulgarian)

 1. Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизирано обслужване на отчитането на плащанията по граждански договори. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1997. Първо издание. ISBN: 954-16-0009-3.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Базова концепция и основни информационни структури на КОМПЛЕКС ФОИ. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0010-7. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0002-6.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизиране на счетоводната отчетност със система АНАЛИЗ. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0011-5. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0004-2.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизирано обслужване на отчитането на стоково-материални ценности. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0012-3. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0005-0.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизирано обслужване на отчитането на дълготрайните активи. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0013-1. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0006-9.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизирано обслужване на заплащането на труда. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0014-Х. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0007-7.
Кр.Марков, Кр.Иванова, И.Митов. Автоматизирано обслужване на отчитането на плащанията по граждански договори. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 1998. Второ преработено издание. ISBN: 954-16-0015-8. ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0009-3.

Scientific Brochures (in Bulgarian)

1. Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов. Информатика и научен мироглед, ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 2002. ISBN 954-16-0023-9.
Кр. Марков, Кр. Иванова, И. Митов, Н. Иванова, А. Данилов, К. Бойкачов. НАУКАТА: Хармония и противостояние на олимпизъм и професионализъм. ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София, 2004. Второ, разширено и основно преработено издание. ISBN 954-16-0029-8, ISBN на първото издание: 954-16-0021-2.

 Annex 2.     Editor or co-editor  of books

1. В.Гладун, Р.Киркова, Кр.Марков (ред.). Сборник трудов: Моделирование творческих процессов на основе баз знаний, FOI‑COMMERCE, София, 1992.

2. Kr. Markov (ed.). International Workshop “Information Theories & Applications” – Abstracts. FOI-COMMERCE, Sofia, 1993. ISBN: 954-16-0001-8.

3. Kr. Markov, V.Gladun, R.Kirkova (ed.). Second International Workshop “Information Theories & Applications” – Abstracts. FOI-COMMERCE, Sofia, 1994. ISBN: 954-16-0003-4.

4. Kr. Markov (ed.) Fifth International Conference “Information Theories & Applications” – Abstracts. FOI-COMMERCE, Sofia, 2000. ISBN:954-16-0017-4.

5. V.Gladun, Kr. Markov (Ed.) Proceedings of Int. Conf. “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” (KDS-2003), Varna, 2003. ISBN 954-16-0025-5.

6. Kr. Markov (Ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2004, Varna, 2004. ISBN 954-16-0031-X.

7. V. Gladun, Kr. Markov, A.Voloshin, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” KDS 2005, Varna, 2005, Volume 1 ISBN: 954-16-0032-8, Volume 2 ISBN: 954-16-0033-6. v.1and v.2: 678 pp.

8. Kr. Markov (Ed.) Proceedings of the III-rd International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2005, Varna, 2005. ISBN: 954-16-0034-4, 230 pp.

9. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education” i.TECH 2006, Varna, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-954-16-0036-8, 270 pp.

10. Kr. Markov, L. Zainutdinova, A. Voloshin (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning” MeL 2006, Varna, 2006. ISBN: 978-954-16-0037-5, 232 pp.

11. V. Gladun, Kr. Markov, A.Voloshin, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” KDS 2006, Varna, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-954-16-0038-2, 360 pp.

12. E. Nickolov, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the First Specialized Workshop “Cyber Security”, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007, ISBN-13: 978-954-16-0041-2.

13. V. Gladun, Kr. Markov, A. Voloshin, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the 13th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” KDS 2007, Varna, 2007, ISSN 1313-0087, vol.1 and vol.2: 700 pp.

14. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference “Information Research and Applications” i.TECH 2007, Varna, 2007, ISSN 1313-1109, vol.1 and vol.2: 520 pp.

15. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, A. Voloshin, L. Zainutdinova (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, Varna, 2007, ISSN 1313-0095, 210 pp.

16. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference “e-Management and Business Intelligence”eM&BI 2007, Varna, 2007, ISSN 1313-1141, 110 pp.

17. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Algorithmic and Mathematical Foundations of the Artificial Intelligence. Book No: 1 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 200 pp.

18. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence. Book No:2 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 190 pp.

19. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Decision Making and Business Intelligence Strategies and Techniques. Book No: 3 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 170 pp.

20. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Advanced Studies in Software and Knowledge Engineering. Book No: 4 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 180 pp.

21. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Intelligent Technologies and Applications. Book No: 5 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 160 pp.

22. Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Methodologies and Tools of the Modern (e-) Learning. Book No: 6 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2008, 150 pp.

23. Voloshyn, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, M. Malyar, I. Mitov (Ed.). Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making. Book No: 7 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia - Uzhgorod, 2008, 256 pp.

24. Kr. Markov, V. Ryazanov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining. Book No:8 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 160 pp.

25. Kr. Markov, P. Stanchev, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Intelligent Processing. Book No: 9 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 150 pp.

26. Kr. Markov, A. Voloshyn, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Intelligent Support of Decision Making. Book No: 10 of IBS ISC, ISSN1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, p.184

27. Kr. Markov, L.-F. de Mingo, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Intelligent Engineering. Book No: 11 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 160 pp.

28. Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Human Aspects of Artificial Intelligence. Book No: 12 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 116 pp.

29. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems. Book No: 13 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Rzeszow, Poland - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009, 239 pp.

30. L.-F. de Mingo, J. Castellanos, Kr. Markov, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). New Trends in Intelligent Technologies. Book No: 14 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 128 pp.

31. V. Gladun, Kr. Markov, V. Velychko, A. Volosyn, Kr. Ivanova, I. Mitov (Ed.). Knowledge – Dialogue – Solution. Book No: 15 of IBS ISC, ISSN 1313-0455, Sofia, 2009, 280 pp.

32. Krassimir Markov, Vladimir Ryazanov, Vitalii Velychko, Levon Aslanyan (ed.). New Trends in Classification and Data Mining. ITHEA, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010, ISBN: 978-954-16-0042-9, 203 pp.

33. Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, Oleksy Voloshin (ed.). Natural and Artificial Intelligence. ITHEA, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0043-9, 199 pp.

34. Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, Lius Fernando de Mingo Lopez, Juan Casellanos (ed.). New Trends in Information Technologies. ITHEA, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0044-9, 203 pp.

35. Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko, Oleksy Voloshin (ed.). Information Models of Knowledge. ITHEA, Kiev, Ukraine – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0048-1, 469 pp.

36. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Methods and Instruments of Artificial Intelligence. ITHEA, Rzeszow, Poland – Sofia, Bulgaria, 2010. ISBN 978-954-16-0049-8, 210 pp.

37. Krassimir Markov, Vitalii Velychko (ed.) Applicable Information Models ITHEA® 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-16-0050-4 (printed) ISBN: 978-954-16-0051-1 (CD) ISBN: 978-954-16-0052-8 (online) ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 22

38. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.) Business and Engineering Applications of Intelligent and Information Systems. ITHEA® 2011, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-16-0053-5 (printed). ISBN: 978-954-16-0054-2 (online). ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 23

39. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.) Artificial Intelligence Applications to Business and Engineering Domains. ITHEA® 2011, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ISBN: 978-954-16-0055-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0056-6 (online). ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 24

40. Michel Deza, Michel Petitjean, Krassimir Markov. Mathematics of distances. ITHEA® 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 25. ISBN: 978-954-16-0063-4 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0064-1 (online). 189 pp.

41. Galina Setlak, Mikhail Alexandrov, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Artificial Intelligence Methods and Techniques for Business and Engineering Applications. ITHEA® 2012, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 26. ISBN: 978-954-16-0057-3 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0058-0 (online). 345 pp.

42. Galina Setlak, Mikhail Alexandrov, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Artificial Intelligence Driven Solutions to Business and Engineering Problems. ITHEA® 2012, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 27. ISBN: 978-954-16-0059-7 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0060-3 (online). 186 pp.

43. Vitalii Velychko, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Problems of Computer Intellectualization. ITHEA® 2012, Kiev, Ukraine - Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 28. ISBN: 978-954-16-0061-0 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0062-7 (online). 374 pp.

44. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Transactions on Business and Engineering Intelligent Applications. ITHEA® 2014, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA IBS ISC No.: 29. ISBN: 978-954-16-0068-9 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0069-6 (online). 124 pp.

45. Galina Setlak, Krassimir Markov (ed.). Computational Models for Business and Engineering Domains. ITHEA® 2014, Rzeszow, Poland; Sofia, Bulgaria, ITHEA® IBS ISC No.: 30. ISBN: 978-954-16-0066-5 (printed), ISBN: 978-954-16-0067-2 (online). 298 pp.

46. Velichko V.U, O.F. Voloshin, Kr.K. Markov, (editors). Proceedings of the XX-th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution”, ITHEA®, IBS ISC No.: 31, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sofia, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-0087 (printed) ISSN 1313-1206 (online).

47. Olexey Voloshin, Vitalii Velychko, Krassimir Markov (eds.). Proceedings of the IX-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, ITHEA®, IBS ISC No.: 32, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine, Sofia, Bulgaria. ISSN 1313-0095 (printed) ISSN 1313-1214 (online).


 Annex 3.

International conference program committees memberships


Member of International Program Committees

1. НИТЭ-2000 - Новые технологии в электротехническом образовании (НИТЭ-2000): Пятая международная научно-методическая конференция, Астрахань, 20-23 сент., 2000

2. KDS 2003 – X-th Int. Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution", June 16-26, 2003, Varna. (Bulgaria)

3. ICT&P 2003 XXVIII-th Int. Conf. “Information and Communication Technologies and Programming”, June 23-25, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria;

4. НИТЭ-2003 Шестая международная научно-методическая конференция “Новые информационные технологии в электротехническом образовании” ((НИТЭ-2003) Астрахань, 6 -11 октября 2003г

5. ICT&P 2004 XXIX-th International Conference “Information and Communication Technologies and Programming”, Varna, Bulgaria, June 24-26, 2004

6. ISK-2004 I-st International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 24-26, 2004, Varna, Bulgaria

7. International Conference “Sustainable Regional Development Models”, October 05-09, 2005, Nalchik, Russia.

8. DSS-2005 First Remotely-Organized Conference with International Participation, “Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice” – June 7, 2005, Kiev, Ukraine.

9. ElPub 2006 X-th International Conference on Electronic Publishing 14-16 June 2006, Bansko, Bulgaria;

10. ISK-2006 III-rd International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 27-30 2006, Varna, Bulgaria

11. НИТЭ-2006 VII Международная научно-методическая конференция "Традиции и педагогические новации в электротехническом образовании". 26-29.09.2006, Астрахань, Россия

12. DSS-2006 II-nd Remotely-Organized Conference with International Participation, “Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice” – June 7, 2006, Kiev, Ukraine.

13. KONT-2007 First All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, September 14 – 16, 2007, Novosibirsk, Russia

14. DSS-2007 III-rd Remotely-Organized Conference with International Participation, “Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice”, June 7, 2007, Kiev, Ukraine

15. ISK-2008 IV-rd International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 26-28, 2008, Varna, Bulgaria

16. DSS-2008 IV-th Remotely-Organized Conference with International Participation, “Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice”, June 9, 2008, Kiev, Ukraine

17. KONT-2009 Second All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 20 – 22, 2009, Novosibirsk, Russia

18. IWCES-2009 International Workshop on Collective Evolutionary Systems. June 29-July 2, 2009; Kyung Hee University-Global Campus, Yongin, Korea

19. DSS-2009 V-th Remotely-Organized Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation “Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice”, June 8, 2009. Kiev, Ukraine

20. IEEE-SOFA-2009 Third International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications, , July 29 – August 01, 2009, Szeged, Hungary/Arad, Romania;

21. ISKE2009 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering. November 27-28, 2009, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium

22. SRDM-2009 III-th International Conference “Sustainable Regional Development Modeling”, September 07-11, 2009, Nalchik, Russia

23. ISK-2010 V-th International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 24-26, 2010, Varna, Bulgaria

24. CML 2010 XIIth International Conference “Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics”, September 6 – 12, 2010, Dubrovnik (Croatia)

25. IWCES-2010 2nd International Workshop on Collective Evolutionary Systems, March 23-26, 2010, Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan

26. DSS-2010 VI-th Remotely-Organized Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice, June 7, 2010. Kiev, Ukraine

27. MEDES-2010 International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’10) October 26 - 29, 2010, Bangkok, Thailand

28. ISKE 2010 Fifth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, November 15-16, 2010, Hangzhou, China

29. CML 2011 XIII-th International Conference “Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics”, September 22 – 29, Corfu, Creece

30. KONT-2011 III-rd All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 03 – 05, 2011, Novosibirsk, Russia

31. IWCES-2011 3-th International Workshop on Collective Evolutionary Systems, June 20, 2011-June 23, 2011, Santander, Spain

32. DSS-2011 VII-th Remotely-Organized Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice, June 6, 2011. Kiev, Ukraine

33. MEDES-2011 International Conference on Management of Emergent Digital EcoSystems (MEDES’11) November 21 - 23, 2011, San-Francisco, USA

34. ISKE 2011 Sixth International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, December 15-17, 2011, Shanghai, China

35. ComInt-2011 First International Conference «Computational Intelligence (Results, Problems and Perspectives)» , May 10-13, 2011. Cherkasy, Ukraine.

36. ISK-2012 VI-th International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 28-30, 2012, Varna, Bulgaria

37. IWCES-2012 4th International Workshop on Collective Evolutionary Systems. June 18-21, 2012, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil in conjunction with ICCSA 2012

38. DSS-2012 VIII-th Remotely-Organized Scientific-Practical Conference with International Participation Decision Support Systems. Theory and Practice, June 6, 2012. Kiev, Ukraine

39. ISKE2012 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, December, 15-17, Beijing, China.

40. TAAC-2012 II-nd International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics", November 12-16, 2012, Kyiv, Ukraine;

41. KMCI-2012 II-nd International conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” within the 16th International Forum of Young Scientists “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”, April 17-19, 2012, Kharkiv, Ukraine

42. KONT-2013 IV-th All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 8 – 10, 2013, Novosibirsk, Russia

43. IWCES-2013 5-th International Workshop on Collective Evolutionary Systems. June 24-27, 2013, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam,

44. DSS-2013 IX-th Distance Scientific Conference with International Participation "Decision support systems. Theory and practice". June 3, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine.

45. ISKE2013 8-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, November 20-23, 2013, ShenZhen, China.

46. TAAC-2013 III-th International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics", November 24-29, 2013, Kyiv, Ukraine;

47. ICCUBITO-2013 First International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cooperation between Universities and Business in IT Outsourcing", June, 18-19, 2013, Kharkiv, Ukraine

48. ComInt-2013 II-nd International Conference «Computational Intelligence (Results, Problems and Perspectives)» , May 14-17, 2013. Cherkasy, Ukraine.

49. KMCI-2013 III-rd International conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” within the 17th International Forum of Young Scientists “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”, April 22-24, 2013, Kharkiv, Ukraine

50. TAAC 2014 IV-th International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics”, November 24 - 28, 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)

51. ISK-2014 VII-th International Conference “Informatics in the Scientific Knowledge”, June 27-29, 2014, Varna, Bulgaria

52. ISKE2014 9-th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering, August 17-20, 2014, João Pessoa (Paraíba), Brazil.

53. TAAC-2014 IV-th International scientific conference of students and young scientists "Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics", November 24-28, 2014, Kyiv, Ukraine;

54. ICEHTM-2014 Second International Conference on e-Health and TeleMedicine, 22-24 May 2014, Istanbul, Turkey;

55. TDM-2014 VII-th international school-workshop “Theory of Decision Making”, September 29, 2014 – October 4, 2014, Uzhorod, Ukraine

56. KMCI-2014 IV-th International conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” within the 18th International Forum of Young Scientists “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”, April 14-16, 2014, Kharkiv, Ukraine

57. KONT-2015 V-th All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 6 – 8, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russia

58. TAAC 2015 V-th International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists “Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics”, November 23 - 27, 2015, Kyiv (Ukraine)

59. ICIT-2015 7th International Conference on Information Technology, May 12-15, 2015, Al Zaytoonah University, Amman, Jordan

60. ISIS Summit Vienna 2015 —International Conference “The Information Society at the Crossroads”, 3 - 7 June 2015, Vienna, Austria

61. ComInt-2015. III-th International Conference «Computational Intelligence (Results, Problems and Perspectives)» , May 12-15, 2015. Cherkasy, Ukraine.

62. KMCI-2015 V-th International conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” within the 19th International Forum of Young Scientists “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”, April 20-22, 2015, Kharkiv, Ukraine

63. KONT-2015 V-th All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 6 – 8, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russia

64. CML-2015 XVI -th International Conference "Cognitive Modelling in Linguistics" Varna, Bulgaria, 14-21 September, 2015

65. CMSCE-2015 III-rd International Conference "Cognitive Modelling in Science, Culture, Education", Varna, Bulgaria, 14-21 September, 2015

66. IEEE AFRICON 2015 XII-th International IEEE Conference AFRICON “Green Innovation for African Renaissance”, UNECA Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 14–17 September 2015

67. ITIB 2015 ІІ-nd International Scientific and Practical Conference, "Information Technologies in Innovation Business", Kharkiv, Ukraine. October, 07-09, 2015

68. IT&I 2015. II-nd International Scientific Conference on "Information technologies and interactions" (IT & I), 3-5 of November, 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine.

69. KMCI-2016 VI-th International conference “Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence” within the XX-th International Forum of Young Scientists “Radio Electronics and Youth in the XXI Century”, April 20-22, 2016, Kharkiv, Ukraine

70. CML-2016 XVII-th International Conference "Cognitive Modelling in Linguistics" September 11- September 18, 2016, Lloret de Mar, Spain

71. CMSCE-2016 IV-th International Conference "Cognitive Modelling in Science, Culture, Education", September 11- September 18, 2016, Lloret de Mar, Spain

72. TDM-2016 VIII-th international school-workshop “Theory of Decision Making”, September 26 – October 1, 2016, Uzhorod, Ukraine

73. ICNIT 2016 VII-th International Conference on Networking and Information Technology, October 15-17, 2016. Warsaw, Poland

74. IT&I 2016. III International Scientific Conference on "Information technologies and interactions" (IT & I), 8-10 of November, 2016 Kyiv, Ukraine.

75. ICCMIT 2016. International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT 2016). Organized by the Universal Society of Applied Research (USAR). Cosenza, Italy, April 26-29, 2016.

76. ICCIT 2017, 3rd International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, April 12-14, 2017, Kusadasi, Turkey.

77. ICEIS 2017. 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). 26-29 April 2017, Porto, Portugal.

78. KONT-2017 VI-th All–Russian Conference “Knowledge - Ontology - Theory” with international participation, October 2 – 6, 2017, Novosibirsk, Russia

79. ComInt-2017 IV-th International Conference «Computational Intelligence (Results, Problems and Perspectives)» , May 16-18 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine

80. IS4IS 2017. The International Society for Information Studies Summit 2017: Digitalisation for a sustainable society - Embodied, Embedded, Networked, Empowered through Information, Computation & Cognition! Gothenburg, Sweden, 12-16 June 2017.

81. ICCMIT'17. International Conference on Communication, Management and Information Technology (ICCMIT'17). University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland. March, 27-29, 2017.

82. ICEIS 2018. 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). 21-24 March 2018, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal.

83. 2023 3rd International Conference on Advanced Enterprise Information System (AEIS 2023), London, UK (Hybird), December 1-3, 2023

84. 2023 3rd International Workshop on Information Management (WSIM 2023), London, UK (Hybird), December 1-3, 2023


Chair or Co-chair of International Program Committees

1. 1993 – First Int. Conference "Information Theories and Applications" ITA’93, July 6 - 13, 1993, Sandanski, Bulgaria

2. 1994 – Second Int. Conference "Information Theories and Applications" ITA’94, April 4 - 8, 1994; Sandanski, Bulgaria, Bulgaria

3. 1995 – III-th Int. Conference "Information Theories and Applications" ITA’95, March 20-24, 1995, Sandanski, Bulgaria, Bulgaria

4. 1996 – IV-th Int. Conference "Information Theories and Applications" ITA’96, May, 12-22, 1996, Troyan & Sofia, Bulgaria

5. 1997 - VI Int. Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS’97, Yalta, Ukraine

6. 1998 - VII-th Int. Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS’98, Yalta, Ukraine

7. 1999 - VIII International Conference KDS, Ukraine, Krim, 1999 Kacively, Ukraine

8. 2000 – V-th Int. Conference "Information Theories and Applications" ITA’96, September, 1-15, 2000, Varna, Bulgaria

9. 2001 – IX-th International Conference Knowledge-Dialog-Solution (KDS-2001), held on June 19-22, 2001 in St-Petersburg, Russia

10. 2002 – VIII-th Int. Conference "Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution" KDS’97, Kiev, Ukraine

11. GIT 2003 Workshop on General Information Theory. June 25 - 26, 2003, Varna, Bulgaria

12. GIT 2004 Second International Workshop on General Information Theory. June 14 - 15, 2004, Varna (Bulgaria)

13. 2005 – 11th International Conference of Knowledge-Dialog-Solution (KDS’05), Varna, Bulgaria, June 20–24, 2005.

14. GIT 2005 III-th International Workshop on General Information Theory
25-27.06.2005, Varna (Bulgaria)

15. i.TECH 2005 Third International Conference “Information Research, Applications and Education”, June 27 - 30, 2005, Varna (Bulgaria)

16. BI 2005 International Workshop “Business Informatics”, June 27 - 30, 2005, Varna (Bulgaria)

17. i.TECH 2006 IV-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 20 - 25, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria.

18. KDS 2006 XII-th International Conference "Knowledge-Dialog-Solution" - KDS 2006, June 20-25, Varna, Bulgaria.

19. MeL 2006 First International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 01 - 05, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria.

20. CS 2006 First International Workshop “Cyber Security”, June 28 - 29, 2006, Varna, Bulgaria.

21. GIT 2006 IV-th International Workshop on General Information Theory, June 20 - 25, 2006, Varna (Bulgaria)

22. KDS 2007 XIII-th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution”, June 18 - 25, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

23. i.TECH 2007 V-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 26 - 30, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

24. MeL 2007 Second International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 01 - 05, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

25. GIT 2007 V-th International Workshop “General Information Theory”, June 18 - 25, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

26. CS 2007 Second International Workshop “Cyber Security”, June 25 - July 01, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

27. eM&BI 2007 International Conference “e-Management & Business Intelligence”, July 01 - 05, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

28. ISSI 2007 International Summer School on Informatics, July 01 - 05, 2007, Varna (Bulgaria)

29. KDS 2008 XIV-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, I-st part: June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria); II-nd part: September 29 - October 08, 2008, Uzhgorod (Ukraine)

30. i.TECH 2008 VI-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

31. MeL 2008 III-rd International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

32. INFOS 2008 International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

33. eM&BI 2008 Second International Workshop “e-Management & Business Intelligence”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

34. GIT 2008 VI-th International Workshop “General Information Theory”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

35. CS 2008 III-rd International Workshop “Cyber Security”, June 23 - July 03, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

36. KDS 2009 XV-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, I-st part: June 22 - July 02, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria); II-nd part: October 19-26, 2009, Kiev-Kharkov (Ukraine)

37. CFDM 2009 International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 22 - July 02, 2008, Varna (Bulgaria)

38. i.TECH 2009 VII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, I-st part: June 22 - July 02, 2009, Varna (Bulgaria); II-nd part:September 02-05, 2009, Madrid (Spain)

39. GIT 2009 VII-th International Workshop on General Information Theory, June 22 - July 02, 2009, Varna (Bulgaria)

40. INFOS 2009 Second International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, ”, I-st part: June 22 - July 02, 2009, Varna (Bulgaria); II-nd part: September 15-19, 2009, Rzeszów - Bieszczady (Poland)

41. MeL 2009 IV-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, I-st part: June 22 - July 02, 2009, Varna (Bulgaria); II-nd part: October 06-08, 2009, Astrakhan (Russia)

42. ISSI 2009 Third International Summer School on Informatics, June 22 - July 02, 2009, Varna (Bulgaria)

43. CFDM 2010 Second International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 21 - 24, 2010, Varna (Bulgaria)

44. III 2010 First International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 23 - 27, 2010, Varna (Bulgaria)

45. i.Tech 2010 VIII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 24 - 27, 2010, Varna (Bulgaria)

46. ISSI 2010 Fourth International Summer School on Informatics, June 28 - 30, 2010, Varna (Bulgaria)

47. GIT 2010 VIII-th International Workshop on General Information Theory, June 28 - 30, 2010, Varna (Bulgaria)

48. KDS 2010 XVI-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September 06 - 10, 2010, Kyiv (Ukraine)

49. MeL 2010 Fifth International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, September 09 - 10, 2010, Kyiv (Ukraine)

50. INFOS 2010 Third International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September 20 - 24, 2010, Krynica (Poland)

51. NIT 2010 First International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, September 28 - October 02, 2010, Madrid (Spain)

52. III 2011 Second International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

53. CFDM 2011 Third International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

54. i.Tech 2011 IX-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

55. GIT 2011 IX-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

56. MeL 2011 VI-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

57. KDS 2011 XVII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September 05 - 09, 2011 (Ukraine)

58. INFOS 2011 IV-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September 19 - 23, 2011, Rzeszow - Polanczyk (Poland)

59. NIT 2011 Second International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, October 04 - 07, 2011, Madrid (Spain)

60. ISSI 2011 V-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 20 - 26, 2011, Varna (Bulgaria)

61. III 2012 Third International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 18 - 19, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

62. CFDM 2012 IV-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 20 - 21, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

63. i.Tech 2012 X-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 23 - 24, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

64. GIT 2012 X-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, June 25 - 27, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

65. IM 2012 International Conference “Informational Modelling”, June 28 - July 01, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

66. MDA 2012 International Conference “Mathematics of Distances and Applications”, July 2 - 5, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

67. ISSI 2012 VI-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 18 - July 05, 2012, Varna (Bulgaria)

68. KDS 2012 XVIII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September, 10-13, 2012 (Ukraine)

69. MeL 2012 VII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, September, 14-15, 2012, Kiev (Ukraine)

70. INFOS 2012 V-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September, 18-22, 2012, Rzeszow (Poland)

71. NIT 2012 Third International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, October 02 - 05, 2012, Madrid (Spain)

72. KDS 2013 XIX-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, July 01-02, 2013 Varna (Bulgaria)

73. CFDM 2013 V-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, July 02 - 03, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

74. MeL 2013 VIII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 03-04, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

75. III 2013 Third International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 04-06, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

76. i.Tech 2013 XI-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, July 06-07, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

77. GIT 2013 XI-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 06-07, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

78. INFOS 2013 VI-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July, 07-08, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

79. IM 2013 Second International Conference “Informational Modelling”, July 08-09, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

80. MIM 2013 Second International Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”, July 09 - 10, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

81. NIT 2013 Forth International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, September 23 - 28, 2013, Madrid (Spain)

82. ISSI 2013 VII-th International Summer School on Informatics, July 01-10, 2013, Varna (Bulgaria)

83. III 2014 V-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 30 - July 14, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

84. CFDM 2014 VI-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 30 - July 14, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

85. AIM 2014, Fourth International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 02 - 10, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

86. TFIM 2014 Fourth International Conference “Theoretical Foundations of Informational Modeling”, July 02 - 10, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

87. i.Tech 2014 XII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 03 - July 10, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

88. GIT 2014 XII-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 03-07, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

89. KDS 2014 XX-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September 08-10, 2014 Kyiv (Ukraine)

90. MeL 2014 IX-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, September 11 - 12, 2014, Kyiv (Ukraine)

91. INFOS 2014 VII-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September, 16-20, 2014, Rzeszow (Poland)

92. NIT 2014 V-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, October 06 - 10, 2014, Madrid (Spain)

93. IM 2014 Fourth International (Tele-) Conference “Informational Modelling”, December 16-18, 2014, Internet

94. MIM 2014 Fourth International (Tele-) Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”, December 16-18, 2014, Internet

95. ISSI 2014 VIII-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 30 - July 14, 2014, Varna (Bulgaria)

96. KDS 2015 XXI-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, June 29 – July 12, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

97. MeL 2015 X-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 30 – July 09, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

98. CFDM 2015 VII-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 29 - July 12, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

99. AIM 2015 V-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 01 - 03, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

100. TFIM 2015 V-th International Conference “Theoretical Foundations of Informational Modeling”, July 01 - 03, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

101. i.Tech 2015 XIII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 02 - July 04, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

102. INFOS 2015 VIII-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July 04 – July 06, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

103. i-i-i 2015 VI-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 05 - July 07, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

104. GIT 2015 XIII-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 09-11, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

105. NIT 2015 VI-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, October 06-09, 2015 (Spain)

106. IM 2015 V-th International (Tele-) Conference “Informational Modelling”, December 15-17, 2015, Internet

107. MIM 2015 V-th International (Tele-) Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”, December 15-17, 2015, Internet

108. ISSI 2015 IX-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 29 - July 12, 2015, Varna (Bulgaria)

109. KDS 2016 XXII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, July 04 – July 15, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

110. CFDM 2016 VIII-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, July 04 – July 15, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

111. MeL 2016 XI-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 04 – 10, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

112. AIM 2016 VI-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 07 - 09, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

113. TFIM 2016 VI-th International Conference “Theoretical Foundations of Informational Modeling”, July 08 - 10, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

114. i.Tech 2016 XIV-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, July 11 - 14, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

115. GIT 2016 XIV-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 06-08, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

116. ISSI 2016 X International Summer School on Informatics, July 04 - July 15, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

117. CSAI 2016 International Conference “Cognitive Science - Approaches and Results towards Artificial Intelligence”, September 05- September 11, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

118. i-i-i 2016 VII-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, September 09- September 15, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

119. INFOS 2016 IX-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September 09- September 15, 2016, Varna (Bulgaria)

120. NIT 2016 VII-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, October 18-22, 2016 (Spain)

121. IM 2016 VI-th International (Tele-) Conference “Informational Modelling”, December 12-15, 2016, Internet

122. MIM 2016 VI-th International (Tele-) Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”, December 12-15, 2016, Internet

123. KDS 2017 XXIII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, June 26 – July 14, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

124. CFDM 2017 IX-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 26 – July 14, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

125. MeL 2017 XII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 28 – July 01, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

126. AIM 2017 VII-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, June 28 – July 01, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

127. TFIM 2017 VII-th International Conference “Theoretical Foundations of Informational Modeling”, June 28 – July 01, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

128. i.Tech 2017 XV-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 30 – July 09, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

129. GIT 2017 XV-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 05-09, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

130. ISSI 2017 XI-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 26 – July 12, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

131. CSAI 2017 Second International Conference “Cognitive Science - Approaches and Results towards Artificial Intelligence”, July 01-03, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

132. i-i-i 2017 VIII-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 04-09, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

133. INFOS 2017 X-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July 03-09, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

134. NIT 2017 VIII-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, July 03-09, 2017, Varna (Bulgaria)

135. IM 2017 VII-th International (Tele-) Conference “Informational Modelling”, December 18-20, 2017, Internet

136. MIM 2017 VII-th International (Tele-) Conference “Mathematics of Informational Modeling”, December 18-20, 2017, Internet

137. KDS 2018 XXIV-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, July 01 – July 02, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

138. CFDM 2018 X-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, July 02 – July 03, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

139. MeL 2018 XIII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 03 – July 04, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

140. AIM 2018 VIII-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 04 – July 05, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

141. i.Tech 2018 XVI-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, July 01 – July 06, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

142. GIT 2018 XVI-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 03-04, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

143. ISSI 2018 XII-th International Summer School on Informatics, July 01 – July 10, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

144. i-i-i 2018 IX-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 01-06, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

145. INFOS 2018 XI-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July 06-07, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

146. NIT 2018 VIII-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, July 03-06, 2018, Varna (Bulgaria)

147. KDS 2019 XXV-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

148. CFDM 2019 XI-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

149. MeL 2019 XIV-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 29 – July 04,, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

150. AIM 2019 IX-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

151. i.Tech 2019 XVII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

152. GIT 2019 XVII-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, June 29 – July 04,, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

153. ISSI 2019 XIII-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

154. i-i-i 2019 X-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

155. INFOS 2019 XII-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

156. NIT 2019 IX-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, June 29 – July 04, 2019, Varna (Bulgaria)

157. KDS 2020 XXVI-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

158. CFDM 2020 XII-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

159. MeL 2020 XV-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

160. AIM 2020 X-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

161. i.Tech 2020 XVIII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

162. GIT 2020 XVIII-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

163. ISSI 2020 XIV-th International Summer School on Informatics, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

164. i-i-i 2020 XI-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

165. INFOS 2020 XIII-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

166. NIT 2020 X-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, June 28 – July 01, 2020, Varna (Bulgaria)

167. KDS 2021 XXVII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

168. CFDM 2021 XIII-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

169. MeL 2021 XVI-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

170. AIM 2021 XI-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

171. i.Tech 2021 XIX-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

172. GIT 2021 XIX-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

173. ISSI 2021 XV-th International Summer School on Informatics, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

174. i-i-i 2021 XII-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

175. INFOS 2021 XIV-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

176. NIT 2021 XI-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, July 01– July 10, 2021, Varna (Bulgaria)

177. KDS 2022 XXVIII-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

178. CFDM 2022 XIV-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

179. MeL 2022 XVII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

180. AIM 2022 XII-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

181. i.Tech 2022 XX-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

182. GIT 2022 XX-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

183. ISSI 2022 XVI-th International Summer School on Informatics, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

184. i-i-i 2022 XIII-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

185. INFOS 2022 XV-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

186. NIT 2022 XII-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, July 01– July 15, 2022, Varna (Bulgaria)

187. KDS 2023 XXIX-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

188. CFDM 2023 XV-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

189. MeL 2023 XVIII-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

190. AIM 2023 XIII-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

191. i.Tech 2023 XXI-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, September 25– October 08, 2023 Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

192. GIT 2023 XXI-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

193. ISSI 2023 XVII-th International Summer School on Informatics, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

194. i-i-i 2023 XIV-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

195. INFOS 2023 XVI-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

196. NIT 2023 XIII-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, September 25– October 08, 2023, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

197. KDS 2024 XXX-th International Conference “Knowledge - Dialogue – Solution”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

198. CFDM 2024 XVI-th International Conference “Classification, Forecasting, Data Mining”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

199. MeL 2024 XIX-th International Conference “Modern (e-) Learning”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

200. AIM 2024 XIV-th International Conference “Advances of Informational Modelling”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

201. i.Tech 2024 XXII-th International Conference “Information Research and Applications”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

202. GIT 2024 XXII-th International Conference “General Information Theory”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

203. ISSI 2024 XVII-th International Summer School on Informatics, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

204. i-i-i 2024 XV-th International Conference “Information - Interaction – Intellect”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

205. INFOS 2024 XVI-th International Conference “Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions

206. NIT 2024 XIV-th International Conference “Natural Information Technologies”, September 25– October 25, 2024, Sofia, (Bulgaria), with Internet on-line sessions